Aim of the blog

The purpose of the blog is to post your favourite first day activities and pick up other ideas from other teachers on the blog. Hopefully, we can use this blog to keep on sharing ideas throughout the year.

Any good activities?

Any good activities?

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008

To do them or not to do them...that's the question!

I've always found it difficult to come up with great ideas for first-day activities, especially the getting-to-know-each-other ones...! But it's been actually after my July08 students' "oh-no-here-we-go-again faces" that I've finally realised how boring or monotonous this kind of activity can get for them...! This is why from now on I think that I'm going to try to avoid using ask-each-other-questions activities on the very first day.

As Elaine has already said, this year here at Tourism we've sort of innovated a bit by using several "play stations" in the classroom, and it's worked out to be a very successful first-day activity. Some of the games were aimed at revising vocabulary and some others at getting to know each other (but it wasn't explicitly said...!).
This is the sort of thing I'll carry on doing, combined with some of the activities that you've suggested in this blog. I might try out Mark's video next time...!

1 comentario:

Hugh L dijo...

I like Q+A/Getting-to-know-you activities. It's very important for me to get to know names and other info quickly and these activities can be really useful for that. I hate to feel that I'm leaving someone out, so if by the
3rd lesson I don't know all the students first names and they're not comfortable about making mistakes then I feel like I'm not doing my job. (Wish I could say I make the same effort with my teaching colleagues, whatever your names might be.)

Fun's overrated in the classroom anyway. Let the students make their own fun if that's what they want. I'm not a Butlins' Redcoat.
And I'm not in the least bit envious of your "playstations". My students are perfectly happy with their photocopies.